• 11215 Stanley Aubin Lane, Baton Rouge, LA 70816
  • Data Room Cleanups and Cable Management

    Data Room Cleanups and Cable Management

    After time your company’s IT room can start to become cluttered with cables and wires due to new equipment being added or older units being removed. These wires are not only unsightly but they can also cause tripping hazards. Also, they can also affect the performance of your digital equipment by hindering proper airflow to cool the units so they can’t work to their peak performance and shortening the life of your IT devices. This results in expensive replacements of damaged equipment and possible loss of important data that could have been avoided through proper data cable management.

    Is your IT room a disaster waiting to happen? Call 225-218-6776

    In addition, It becomes a complicated maze and wastes time and money when trying to trace what wire or cable goes from point A to point B. This results in decreased efficiency for what should be quick and simple tasks when your data cables are tangled, mislabeled, or misconnected.
    That’s where Sergcom, LLC can help.
    Take a look at some of our previous work to see how we can clean up and organize your IT Room and keep it running efficiently so you can get the most out of your devices. Reach out to us at 25-218-6776 or through the contact form below, for a free no obligation quote on your next project, no matter how small or large. We look forward to working with you!
